Health Benefits of Kiwi fruit
1) It protects the eyes
2) It provide digestive Enzymes
3) It protects cardiovascular system
4) It has high in fibre
5) It prevents cancer
6) It improve Boosts immunity
7) It supports pregnancy
8) It remove excess sodium
9) It manage Blood pressure
10) It protects Respiratory system
Health Benefits of Pomegranate
1) It Enhances heart health
2) It lowers dental plaque
3) It lowers blood pressure
4) It provides youthful and glowing skin
5) It strengthen bones & boosts muscle power
6) It controls aging problems
7) It helps in overcoming stress and depression
Health Benefits of Figs
1) It helps cure diabetics
2) It acts as a vermifuge
3) It helps get rid of sleep disorders such a insomnia
4) It protection against post menopausal breast cancer
5) It reduces inflammation & redness of the skin
6) It helps to treat chronic constipation
7) It eliminates cancer causing substances
8) A good source of fiber
9) It promotes bone density
10) It heals sore throat
Health benefits of watermelon
1) It combats cancer
2) It boosts energy level
3) It rich in antioxidants
4) It controls high blood pressure
5) It reduces body fat
6) It hydrates the body
7) It improves eye health
8) It keeps kidney healthy
9) It improves heart healthy